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Lo peor del cine 2016

A continuación la lista completa de nominados a los premios Razzie a lo peor del cine en el 2016 anunciados hoy por la fundación Golden Raspberry.
– Peor Película

“Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”

“Dirty grandpa”

“Gods of Egypt”

“Hillary’s America: The secret history of the democratic party”

“Independence Day: Resurgence”

“Zoolander 2”

– Peor Actor

Ben Affleck, “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”

Gerard Butler, “Gods of Egypt”

Henry Cavill, “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”

Robert De Niro, “Dirty grandpa”

Dinesh D’Souza (como el mismo), “Hillary’s America: The secret history of the democratic party”

Ben Stiller, “Zoolander 2”

– Peor Actriz

Megan Fox, “Teenage mutant ninja turtles: Out of the shadows”

Tyler Perry, “BOO! A Medea halloween”

Julia Roberts, “Mother’s Day”

Becky Turner, “Hillary’s America: The secret history of the democratic party”

Naomi Watts, “Divergent series: Allegiant & Shut-In”

Shailene Woodley, “Divergent series: Allegiant & Shut-In”

– Peor Actriz de Reparto

Julianne Hough, “Dirty grandpa”

Kate Hudson, “Mother’s Day”

Aubrey Plaza, “Dirty grandpa”

Jane Seymour, “Fifty shades of black”

Sela Ward, “Independence say: Resurgence”

Kristen Wiig, “Zoolander 2”

– Peor Actor de Reparto

Nicolas Cage, “Snowden”

Johnny Depp, “Alice through the looking glass”

Will Ferrell, “Zoolander 2”

Jesse Eisenberg, “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”

Jared Leto, “Suicide squad”

Owen Wilson, “Zoolander 2”

– Peor Combo en Pantalla

Ben Affleck & His BFF (Baddest Foe Forever) Henry Cavill, “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”

Cualquiera de los dos dioses egipcios en “Gods or mortals, gods of Egypt”

Johnny Depp y su vestuario en “Alice through the looking glass”

Todo el elenco de “Collateral beauty”

Tyler Perry y su personaje femenino por “BOO! A Medea Halloween”

Ben Stiller y su BFF (Barely Funny Friend) Owen Wilson, “Zoolander 2”

– Peor Director

Dinesh D’Souza y Bruce Schooley, “Hillary’s America: The secret history of the democratic party”

Roland Emmerich, “Independence Day: Resurgence”

Tyler Perry, “BOO! A Medea Halloween”

Alex Proyas, “Gods of Egypt”

Zack Snyder, “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”

Ben Stiller, “Zoolander 2”

– Peor Guión

“Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”

“Dirty grandpa”

“Gods of Egypt”

“Hillary’s America: The secret history of the democratic party”

“Independence Day: Resurgence”

“Suicide squad”